How to Grow Green Beans Indoors

Green beans are a veggie with as many uses as names – French beans, string beans, snap beans…whatever you call them, they’re a treat to have in your garden and in your kitchen. If you’re looking to incorporate more green beans into your daily diet, look no further! We’ll tell you all the benefits of growing green beans indoors, plus the steps you need for how to plant green beans at home.

Grow more veggies, fruits, flowers and herbs with Gardyn’s Home Kits. Gardyn offers easy solutions to create more access to nutritious, sustainable, and high-quality produce for you and your family. Learn more about what Gardyn can do.


10 - 14 DAYS


50 - 75 DAYS


8 - 10 WEEKS

Care & Harvest

🌱 Germination

Germination: Bean seeds require a well-drained environment, so we recommend germinating them off of your Gardyn. To do so, dunk the yCube in water up to the top of the plastic and soak for 5 minutes. Then, place it in a Nursery without adding any more water, and add the lid. If you already have other yCubes or Microgreens germinating with water in your Nursery, keep your soaked Beans yCube separate.

🌡️ Temperature

Prefer warmer temperatures (70-85°F).

🐝 Pollination

White, pink, and purple flowers develop 4-6 weeks after sprouting. When they appear, help the plant with pollination by gently shaking the plant, or gently swirl the inside of blossoms with your finger or a small brush.

❌ Support

Though this is a compact plant, we recommend using our Trellis and Plant Belts to direct the vine up your Gardyn’s columns and support the plant’s fruit.

✂️ Pruning

These beans require minimal pruning. Snip away yellow or brown leaves if they appear. Check the roots monthly and trim any that are brown or extending past the yPod.

🔎 Plant Health

Aphids and mites are a common pest, but you can use our prevention and treatment tricks to keep pests at bay!

🥬 Harvest

To harvest Green Beans, wait until they produce fleshy round pods that are about 5 inches long and generally as thick as a pencil. Snip the pods at the stem before they are fully mature and while they are still tender, usually 1-2 weeks after flowering. This variety of bush bean produces most of its fruit at once, but the plant will keep producing if harvested regularly.

Table of Contents

Why plant green beans at home?

Green beans are the young versions of several variations of the common bean. They can be prepared and served in a variety of ways, but have a lot of benefits inside the culinary world.

By planting green beans at home, you’re investing in a vegetable that will give you a whole lot back:

Freshly Picked

Growing green beans (either in the form of pole beans or bush beans) in your home means you always have fresh, local, and flavorful produce. You can easily harvest and pick your beans at their peak, and there will always be more coming!

Harvest Year-Round

By growing your green beans indoors, poor or extreme weather conditions are out of the equation. Whether it be the spring, summer, or winter, grow green beans year-round, and they’ll be just as tasty and nutritious as when they’re traditionally in-season.

Green Means Eco-Friendly

No plastic bags full of green beans, or trips to the store because you need more for a recipe. Learning how to plant green beans at home helps both you and the planet.

Healthier Home

Green beans pack a lot of nutrition. But when you couple that with the pesticides and GMOs packaged into most store-bought produce, it’s a tougher pill to swallow. If you grow green beans right in your home, you can have peace of mind that your produce will be chemical-free.

No More Pests

Pesky insects like Mexican bean beetles and Japanese beetles can easily munch onto your crops. However, with an indoor garden system, you can control your own thriving oasis. Your crops will be safe and you can ensure a bountiful harvest every time, and all year round.

Save on Time and Money

Investing in an indoor gardening system saves you so much in the long run. The more produce you grow, the more your savings grow. Choose from Gardyn’s catalog of 50+ plants and watch as your new seedlings pay for themselves.

Grow Microgreens, Too

Bite sized superfood packed with nutrients and loaded with flavor. Go from seed to harvest in just one week.

What do you need to plants green beans at home?

Once you learn how to plant green beans at home, there’s no looking back! We’ve talked about the benefits of growing green beans indoors, but how do you get started? Here are some quick tips for getting your indoor garden off the ground.


Green beans should get at least 6-8 hours of sunlight every day. Grow lights help your plant thrive while still growing evenly. Every Gardyn Home Kit comes with automatic LED lighting for optimal plant growth, without you having to fuss over bulbs or cloudy days.


Typically, green beans need a temperature of 70-85º F. If their blossoms are wilting or turn yellow, you’ll know that your green bean plants are too hot. Alternatively, in too-cold temperatures the plants can lose their flowers.


Beans prefer larger and narrower containers. Choose any container that is at least 8 inches deep and has drainage holes in the bottom. This is to avoid waterlogging and the presence of plant diseases such as powdery mildew and/or root rot. Fill your container with a potting mix that has been enriched with compost.


When learning how to plant green beans at home, it’s important to give them the proper support. To avoid losing any produce, you should add a Trellis and Plant Belts to direct the vines and give them support. The belts are helpful tools designed specifically for Gardyn’s system. They’re easy to use and result in better and bigger harvests just for your indoor vegetable garden.

How to plant green beans at home

Growing plants from seed can be a difficult but rewarding process. Step-by-step, here’s how you can grow a green bean from seed to fruit:

  1. Select an 8-inch deep container with drainage holes;
  2. Fill the container with compost-enriched potting mix;
  3. Sow bean seeds into the container;
  4. Cover the seeds with 1-inch of soil;
  5. If planting multiple green bean seeds, spread 2-4 inches apart;
  6. Water the container;
  7. Keep the seeds moist until germination.

Once planted, green beans take about two weeks to sprout, but give you up to 10 weeks of delicious produce. Once you know how to plant green beans at home, you need to know how to take care of them after they sprout. There’s still some work to be done before you enjoy your delicious harvest!

You can save yourself any trial and error with Gardyn’s hydroponic indoor gardening kits. Gardyn’s compact and well-designed Home Kit 2.0 uses advanced technology to give you maximum plant life, including a personal AI gardener who knows exactly what your produce needs. Simplify and go from seed to harvest without the hassle. Check out the Gardyn memberships and see what other Gardyn members have to say about their new way of living.

Start by choosing a suitable container for your rosemary plant, ensuring it has drainage holes at the bottom. Make sure to properly remove any debris or existing plants from the container.

How to care for your green beans

Now that you know how to plant green beans at home, the next step is taking care of them as they grow. Green beans are easy to grow indoors, but they require some extra maintenance steps that we’ll detail below.


You should water your green beans as their soil dries out. If you poke a finger into the soil, you should feel a hint of moisture but it shouldn’t feel wet. We recommend watering in the mornings and letting the plant dry throughout the day. While watering, avoid wetting the leaves to help prevent disease.


About 4-6 weeks after sprouting, you should see flowers develop on your green beans plant. Help the plant to pollinate by gently shaking the plants or swirling the inside of the flowers with your finger.


When you’re using a Gardyn system, we recommend germinating your bean seeds (just like your other fruits and vegetables). The first step is to dunk the yCube in water and soak for 5 minutes. After, you can place the yCube in a nursery and add the lid.

Gardyn simplifies this process not only when it comes to germination, but in every other step as well. While learning how to plant green beans at home is learnable, busy lives and crowded spaces can often get in the way. A Gardyn indoor kit offers so many features to make less work for you. The Home Kits include automated lighting and temperature tools, 24/7 monitoring, and Vacation Mode to keep your plants thriving even while you’re away. That’s just to name a few of the ways Gardyn can give you back your time, money, and plentiful produce.

Choose the best indoor garden solution on the market

Unveil the future of indoor gardening with Gardyn’s Home Kit! Superior to competitors, our kit offers effortless gardening through innovative yCube technology, automating the growing process for busy individuals. With the ability to cultivate a diverse array of plants, Gardyn ensures an efficient, user-friendly experience, backed by robust customer support and a competitive warranty. Choose Gardyn, where technology meets convenience in creating lush, indoor green spaces.

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Harvesting and using your green beans

We know how to plant green beans at home, but how do you use them? Wait until the pods are about 5 inches long and snip them at the stem. Green beans can be steamed, sautéed, boiled, backed, pickled, grilled, fried…the cooking methods are limitless! You can season them with simple spices, or zhuzh them up in a casserole or stir fry.

Aside from having lots of flavor opportunities, green beans are also a superfood legume. They provide lots of essential vitamins, including B9 folate. Green beans also contain lots of antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and other important minerals. Learning how to grow green beans at home adds so much opportunity for taste and nutrition to your plate. So, let’s make a snack that combines all that nutrition with just as much flavor!

Dilly beans are a take on the pickled green bean that are a delicious snack and surprisingly simple to make. You’ll need some household ingredients like white vinegar, water, pickling salt, garlic and spices. Once the pickling liquid is heated and the green beans are submerged, the jars need to sit in a hot water bath for 10 minutes. Let the brining beans sit for one week before eating. You can find more detailed recipes for dilly beans on Google, but rest-assured that you’ll be left with a yummy and addictive snack.

The Gardyn blog will give you plenty more ideas for what you can do with the large varieties of plants you can grow on a Home Kit.

A Green Thumb for Green Beans

By now, we hope we may have helped answer your question on how to grow green beans at home. Green beans are a versatile and delicious veggie (available in different varieties) that is simple to grow at home. Even more simple is the decision to try out a Gardyn indoor system. Gardyn’s systems are hassle-free and save you so much energy and money. In return, you’ll get:

  • Access to fresh and local produce year-round;
  • Lessened environmental footprint;
  • Help from AI-based monitoring and Vacation Mode;
  • Timelapse feature to look back on your plants as they grow;
  • 30-plant starter kit with options to customize your indoor garden;
  • A compact yet beautiful interior addition to your home.

A better option for food, fun, and sustainability is out there. Any doubts you have can be answered on our FAQ page. Once you feel confident that indoor gardening is the best and right choice for you and your loved ones, you can get Gardyning and start enjoying high-quality and affordable produce right in your own home. Take a look at what a Gardyn membership can offer you – starting with a healthier and simpler way of living.

Discover More Herbs

Everything you can grow

Choose from 50+ tasty varieties

Mini Cauliflower
Scarlet Snapdragon
Banana Peppers
Purple Kohlrabi
Kale Lacinato
Mini Strawberries
Bi-Color Sunflower
Blush Hibiscus
Bok Choy
Bronze Arrow
Bull’s Blood
Bunching Onions
Burrito Pepper
Canna Flower
Cherry Tomato
Collard Greens
Dragon Beans
Fairytale Eggplant
Fiesta Gitana
Flashy Trout Back
Fuchsia Snapdragon
Garlic Chives
Goliath Pepper
Green Beans
Green Mustard
Green Salanova
Green Tatsoi
Holy Basil
Hon Tsai Tai
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Italian Parsley
Lemon Balm
Lemon Hot Pepper
Lime Basil
Lollo Rossa
Mini Eggplant
Mini Pumpkin
Mini Squash
Monte Carlo
Perpetual Spinach
Pink Celery
Pink Petunia
Poblano Pepper
Purple Basil
Purple Beans
Purple Bok Choy
Purple Campanula
Radio Calendula
Red Amaranth
Red Hibiscus
Red Marietta Marigold
Red Mustard
Red Oak Leaf Lettuce
Red Sails
Red Salad Bowl
Red Sorrel
Red Swiss Chard
Red Tatsoi
Rouge d’Hiver
Stock Flower
Sweet Marjoram
Sweet Peppers
Sweet Thai Basil
Thai Eggplant
Tokyo Bekana
Wasabi Greens
White Petunia
Yellow Beans
Yellow Cherry Tomato

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Want To Discover More Varieties To Grow?

Explore our dedicated pages for a complete guide on all the information you require to successfully cultivate your own plants at home​
