There's still time to get a Gardyn by Mother's Day

Gardyn Blog

3 Tips to Maximize Your Gardyn Harvests This Summer

Learn about the plant life cycle plus get tips on how to choose heat-tolerant varieties and succession plant your Gardyn.

Gardyn Plant Health and Nutrition Research: Seed to Harvest and Beyond

A "behind the leaf" look at Gardyn's Plant Health and Nutrition Research and Development facility where we rigorously test a wide range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers to ensure that only the best growing (and tasting) plants are available to our Gardyners. Also, learn about how our scientists are continuously developing new ways to improve our sustainability and the Gardyning experience.

Top 5 Gardyn Plants

Wondering what Gardyners are growing? Here's a list of our top 5 favorite plants grown by Gardyners. Romaine Gardyn’s most popular plant, Romaine is an easy-to-grow, universally loved lettuce. Crunchy and mild in flavor, it’s popular in salads and sandwiches and works great in place of tortillas for lettuce wraps. Harvest individual leaves as needed…

Grow and Eat the Gardyn Rainbow

Learn about plant pigments, their roles in nature, and how they can improve your health. Plus, get an easy and flavorful stir-fry recipe perfect for summer!

Don't Let Inflation Dictate Your Diet - Take Control of Your Food Source

Inflation. It’s hitting all of us right now, and it’s hitting hard, remaining at a near 40-year high in April. With the cost of just about everything going up, we’re combing our budgets to find the areas we have control over. You may not be able to get rid of your commute or quit paying for gas (with prices at an all-time high), but in many ways, you can control what and how you eat.

Why Eating at Harvest is Healthier

Lindsay Springer, Gardyn’s Food Scientist, breaks down some essential nutrients, phytochemicals, and qualities in fresh produce that can degrade and cause a loss of flavor after harvest.

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